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The Gordon School


Gordon ventured into the computer age by creating labs, spaces for teaching students how to use computers. As Gordon’s practice has evolved, the school is relying less on specialized experts and more on professional development that leverages the skills of Gordon’s classroom teachers. They use dedicated laptops, classroom desktops, iPads, and computer lab space to further integrate technology into the everyday work of the school.

One-to-one laptops

Gordon issues a dedicated, school-owned Macbook Air laptop to each sixth, seventh and eighth grade student for their own daily use. 

With this investment, Gordon ensured that all of these students will have access to the same learning tools, in a curriculum that is increasingly being enriched with age-appropriate technology.

The laptop each student is issued will stay with them through eighth grade, and is theirs to keep at graduation.

Support for technology

In the classrooms
  • Laptops, iPads, and digital projectors available to every classroom teacher from Nursery to eighth grade
  • 1:1 laptops for all students in fifth through eighth grade and interactive whiteboards in every Lower and Middle School classroom
  • Ongoing funding for professional support and training each year
  • Audiobook and E-book technology in the library and Middle School
In the curriculum
  • Age-appropriate research databases and websites, library catalog, and extended classroom tools available at 
  • Digital literacy and citizenship curriculum in second to eighth grade 
  • Acceptable use policy, outlining excellent digital citizenship, signed annually in fourth to eighth grades
  • CIPA-level filters for inappropriate content used on campus
  • Student online identity vigorously protected on Gordon website
  • Gordon internal email accounts and Google Apps for Education accounts issued to every fifth grader