The home-school partnership
What do parents need to know about human sexuality classes in order to partner effectively with Gordon?
Gordon’s goal in teaching about human sexuality is to highlight the seriousness of sex and sexuality so that students seek accurate information and learn to communicate comfortably and effectively with trusted adults around these issues.
The human sexuality curriculum is designed as a prevention curriculum. Research supports that the more factual, medically accurate information students have the more likely it is that they will avoid making decisions that could negatively affect their health.
Parents and caregivers are considered to be the primary sex educators.
During the human sexuality unit, students will bring home a weekly “family activity” to complete with an adult family member. The health teacher’s job is to provide accurate, developmentally appropriate information. The caregiver’s job is to continue conversations at home and speak to their student about personal values and expectations around sexual maturity and behavior. The “family activity” provides a structure in which to do this.
Families will receive a letter at least one week prior to the beginning of our human sexuality unit.
Human sexuality lessons draw mostly from the Get Real: Comprehensive Sex Education That Works curriculum. Get Real is an evidence-based curriculum based on National Sexuality Education Standards that emphasizes social and emotional learning skills such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
The wellness wheel, a visual model identifying six interconnected dimensions of personal wellness (social, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, and intellectual), provides the framework for all new learning.
Open and honest communication
Students are encouraged to ask questions during class. The health teacher will answer questions honestly and factually.
Range of topics about which students have asked questions.
(Questions are submitted anonymously or asked aloud in class).
Resources for families
Parents often ask for recommended resources; here are a few to begin with.
If you have questions, comments, concerns, or simply want to share about a lesson or interaction you had with your student that went particularly well, our instructors welcome your feedback.
The fifth grade human sexuality unit is taught by
Gabe Burnstein
Gabe Burnstein
Gabe Burnstein