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Young Kindergarten


Gordon’s Young Kindergarten is a child-centered program for students graduating from preschool who would benefit from the gift of time. The Young Kindergarten classroom recognizes the difference that four to six months can have on a child’s identity development and school readiness as significant. In Young Kindergarten, students who would otherwise be among the youngest in their Kindergarten classes have a year to hone pre-academic skills and build strong social emotional foundations, allowing them to enter Kindergarten as confident, empathic leaders.

Young Kindergarten offers these children a classroom space with age-appropriate curriculum that responds to their unique developmental needs.

Young Kindergarten represents a shift from Nursery and Preschool; there's one teacher in the classroom, and the classroom opens onto a shared space that, formally and informally, serves as a meeting place and collaborative classroom for all of the five-year-olds.

Young Kindergarten is the first year when students of color are invited to participate in Tuesday Common Ground after school. 

At five years old, the students in Young Kindergarten are very much among the senior members of the Early Childhood division, and they face new expectations to serve as leaders in the halls. At the same time, they are introduced to life in the older grades as well, through Tuesday Common Ground and on the playground they share with first grade.

In Young Kindergarten, students take on new, more formal roles in the school community. They perform in all-school assemblies for the first time, and have their first parent concert. They have their first taste of responsibility, as well, taking on the work of helping maintain the Larry Miller Nature Trail that encircles the campus.

Young Kindergarten uses cooking projects to explore a wide range of academic topics, from the math of measurement and the chemistry of baking to the cultural topics introduced by planning, and sharing, a meal. The class then hosts guests from Gordon's professional community for lunches where they practice being thoughtful hosts and gracious conversationalists.