After school experiences
Beyond the classroom
For many students, the day at Gordon doesn’t end after the last class. The hours are filled with opportunities to learn a new skill, practice a talent or participate in sports with friends and classmates.
Whether they are relaxing with friends in age-appropriate after-school care programs, or participating in one of the many enrichment classes, Gordon students always have a varied menu of interesting and engaging activities to enjoy in the afternoon.
Over the past year, 89% of Gordon students have participated in Gordon’s after school offerings. Nearly 90% of the Middle School students compete on one or more interscholastic sports team before they graduate.
Throughout the year, after school options include:
Enrichments: classes and activities ranging from chess to filmmaking
Athletics: interscholastic competition for Middle School students
Theater: full scale musical or dramatic productions for third through eighth grade
Common Ground: affinity group for students of color
Music lessons: individual instruction on campus
Child care (Gators and YAP): engaging, active care on a beautiful twelve-acre campus
Families of students currently enrolled at Gordon can find after school signups at