Math champs
A long-term investment
In March 2020, Gordon once again dominated the Rhode Island MathCounts tournament, taking first place in the team competition, and first and fifth place in the individual competition. Gordon's team had the top male and the top female in the state.
This was the third year in a row, and the fourth time in the past five years, that Gordon earned first place in both the team and individual rankings.
Since 2015, Gordon’s performance has been as follows:
2015 Third place for team, third and fifth place individual
2016 First place for team, first place individual
2017 Third place for team, second place individual
2018 First place for team, first and third place individual
2019 First place for team, first and fifth place individual
2020 First place for team, first and fifth place individual
Gordon has fielded a Math Counts team every year since 2004. Sixth, seventh and eighth graders qualify for the team through a challenging written test given every January.
In 2012, Gordon implemented a new math curriculum, Math in Focus, and hired Eric Kravitz as the schoolwide math specialist. “When this year’s team members were in Kindergarten and first grade, Gordon made a long-term investment in inclusive and demanding math instruction that engages and challenges every student,” explains Head of School Noni Thomas López. “The success of this team, and it's gender balance, confirm that an inclusive program can bring out the best in every learner.”