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The Gordon School

Honoring Joe Almeida

As Dr. Thomas López shared recently, this year will be Joe Almeida's last one at Gordon. He has served as Gordon's Buildings and Grounds Director for twenty-five years.

Joe’s life and career are firmly rooted in this campus, so we have created a way to place memories and reflections in the context of Gordon’s buildings and its outdoors.

An oversized map is now hanging in the Commons, and everyone is invited to write tributes to Joe on post-its and place them in the appropriate places on the map.

There is also a mailbox for longer messages, private ones or ones that don’t fit on the map.

Notes have already gone up by the bell tower, the blueberry bushes in the theater courtyard, and the stream behind the Middle School.

If you can't make it to campus, you can add your words using the form below.

Share your words with Joe