Gordon School’s endowment is over $11 million and goes to supporting our programs and students.
Gordon’s endowment is an important asset for the school as it supports the people and programs that are essential to a Gordon education. Within the overall endowment, there are more than fifty named funds that have been established to support a specific program. Funds support facilities, the arts, financial aid, faculty, academic programs, and the operations at the school. Below are descriptions for each named fund by area of support.
- Academic programs
- Athletics
- Faculty
- Facilities
- Operations
- Scholarship and diversity
- Visual and performing arts
Academic programs
The Bready-Lapides Eighth Grade Educational Trip Fund
This fund supports an annual educational trip for all members of the eighth grade class. Established in 2003, through the generosity of Rick Bready and Sally Lapides, the fund is in recognition of the Class of 2003.
The CJ Buckley Fund for Experiential Learning
This endowed fund was established in 2005 by the Buckley family and their friends in loving memory of their son, Carter Joseph (CJ) Buckley '00. The fund connects CJ's spirit with the heart of Gordon’s mission: to provide children with opportunities to experience success as thinkers, learners and contributors, and thus to develop an awareness of their academic potential and personal abilities. The resources provided by the fund currently support the eighth grade service learning project, and over time will support other integrated experiential learning initiatives for the benefit of Gordon School students.
Class of 2003 Museum Admissions Fund
This fund was established through the generosity of families from the Class of 2003. The fund supports the cost of museum admissions and speakers for the annual eighth grade trip.
Class of 2007 Karla Harry Middle School Literature Fund
Established by the families and friends of the Class of 2007 to recognize their graduation, this fund provides financial support for the purchase of literature that is appropriate for Middle School students. The fund also recognizes Karla Harry, an inspirational faculty member and an influential librarian, who encouraged Gordon students to make reading part of their lives.
Class of 2008 Environmental Studies Fund
This fund was established through the generosity of the families of the Class of 2008. The purpose of the fund is to enhance Gordon’s curriculum in the area of environmental sustainability. It will provide an opportunity for faculty to reinvigorate their practice and enhance Gordon’s curriculum. It could be used for faculty professional development opportunities, hosting of acclaimed speakers, faculty travel to organizations with exemplary practice, or equipment purchases. Gordon's faculty will gather annually to determine the use of the income from this fund.
Karla Harry Visiting Author Fund
This fund was established in 2006 in memory of Karla Harry, Gordon's beloved librarian and adored community member. It provides for an annual Visiting Author Program, offering Gordon students the unique experience of delving into the writer’s craft by working with nationally recognized authors and illustrators. The fund was initially endowed by Almon and Suzanne Hall and their children, Stephen ’06 and Sara ’07. Gifts from Karla’s friends and family have expanded its mission. This permanent fund is a vital part of the school’s library program and literature curriculum. View the Visiting Author Program page for a list of authors the Karla Harry Visiting Author Fund has brought to Gordon School.
The Jeremy, Gregory and Zoe Katzen Science Fund
The Jeremy, Gregory and Zoe Katzen Science Fund was established in 2003 to provide funds for Gordon School’s Middle School science program. This fund will allow Gordon to enhance the exceptional science instruction offered to our Middle School students. Funding will support (but is not limited to) faculty development, materials, supplies, and/or
Class of 2016 Athletics and Financial Aid Fund
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor Gordon’s Class of 2016. This class chose to support student enrollment at Gordon and to enhance the athletics program. This fund will support variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community and other needs as identified by the athletics department.
Class of 2017 Athletics and Theater Fund
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor Gordon’s Class of 2017. This class chose to enhance the athletics and the theater programs. This fund will support will provide for equipment, materials, faculty professional development and other needs as identified by the athletics and theater departments.
Fund for Exceptional Athletics CoachingThis fund was created by the Board of Trustees and administration to honor Admission Director Emily Anderson. For nineteen years, Emily led Gordon’s work to build a diverse and empathic school community. This fund illustrates their collective gratitude for her dedication to the school’s mission and the mentorship of students by providing resources to hire exceptional coaches for the Middle School athletics program.
Class of 2005 Math Curriculum and Professional Development Fund
Established by the families and friends of the Class of 2005 to recognize their graduation, this fund supports the faculty’s ongoing review and enhancement of the school's math program. Proceeds from the fund support teachers as they analyze research on elementary and middle school math and make program recommendations. It may also be used to provide resources for the faculty's professional development in math instruction.
Faculty Training Fund
This fund was established in 1984 by Timothy T. and Rebecca S. More, parents of Gordon alumni (Henry) Brooks ’86 and Eleanor (Nellie) ’88. The fund provides support for faculty to further their understanding of how cognitive development impacts student learning, and in the application of such understanding to the ongoing development of the Gordon curriculum. The fund enables faculty to attend workshops and seminars on all aspects of teaching and learning, with a special emphasis on diverse learning styles. This fund is open for additional contributions from alumni and parents interested in supporting the continuing professional development of Gordon’s faculty.
Tom Fulton Staff Development Fund
This fund was established in 1985 through the gifts of former Head of School Thomas J. Fulton, the faculty and members of the Board of Trustees. The fund provides support for faculty attending professional conferences, workshops and courses.
The Gilbane Family Professional Development Fund
This fund was established in 2007 by Dick and Cate Gilbane and their children, Abbott ’04 and Seth ’07, to allow faculty, administrators and staff to further their practice as determined by the Head of School. The income from this fund can support classroom or office equipment purchases, workshop and conference attendance, or curriculum development work. Gifts are disbursed to each division, special subjects and to the administration on a rotating basis.
The Darcey Hall Fund for Professional Advancement
This fund is dedicated to the support and encouragement of Gordon’s teachers. Its aim is to provide permanent funding for the broadest range of activities designed to increase professional expertise and stimulate the personal growth of the faculty.
The Stephen and Sara Hall Science and Math Curriculum Fund
This fund was established in 2004 through the generosity of Almon and Suzanne Hall and their children Stephen ’06 and Sara ’07. Proceeds support teachers as they analyze research on elementary and middle school science, computer science and mathematics and make program recommendations. Funds may also be used to provide resources for the faculty’s professional development in science and math instruction and the faculty's participation in related school- supported science and math competitions.
The Larry Miller Travel Grant
This fund was established in 1996 to celebrate the life of former Head of School Laurance P. Miller. Larry served Gordon from 1960 to 1980 and inspired the love and admiration of many students and faculty. Because Larry was so fond of Gordon teachers and loved traveling, income generated from this fund supports annual faculty travel grants to inspire and support experiential education for the faculty.
Capital Fund
This fund was established in 1985 at the conclusion of a successful capital campaign. The fund provides support for the general operating expenses of the school.
The Gordon Community Fund
This fund was established in 2008 to support the mission of the Gordon Community Association: to build community through creative fundraising, educational and social activities.
The Gordon Endowment Fund
This fund was established in 1992 to provide unrestricted support of the school’s annual operations. The fund welcomes additional contributions from all those who are committed to Gordon’s continuing financial security.
The Mary Ann Lippitt Memorial Fund
This fund was established through a bequest from Mary Ann Lippitt ’32. Gordon’s Board of Trustees placed this gift in a fund to acknowledge Miss Lippitt’s lifetime commitment to sustaining Gordon’s mission. The fund provides unrestricted operating support to the school.
The Nicholson Family Fund
This fund was established in 1993 by Emmy Nicholson to provide unrestricted operating support to Gordon.
Pauline Metcalf Fund
This fund was established in 1985 by Pauline Metcalf ’50. The fund provides support for general operating expenses of the school.
Scholarship and diversity
Albanese Fund for Economic Diversity
Established in 1973 by friends, this fund was created to celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Albanese. The fund provides support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
The Andrew G. Campbell POSOC Fund for Racial Diversity
This fund was established in 2012 by Andrew G. Campbell and friends of the Gordon School to support Gordon School's Parents of Students of Color group. The fund supports the work of this group on behalf of families of color as they navigate the school’s academic and social culture. Each year the administration, in consultation with the leadership of POSOC, will determine how to best use the income from this fund.
Greg Carson Fund for Economic Diversity
Teaching excellence is a hallmark of a Gordon education and this fund was established in 2012 by a Gordon family to note the particular talents and teaching excellence of Greg Carson. Mr. Carson started his career in education at Gordon in 1999 and has taught both in the Lower and Middle School impacting hundreds of Gordon students. This fund will provide resources to support Gordon's enrollment goals and provide support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
Class of 1992 Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was created by the graduating students of the Class of 1992 and their families. This was the first class to establish an endowment fund at Gordon. The fund provides support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
Class of 2004 and Barbara Bejoian Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor the Class of 2004 and of those wishing to memorialize Barbara Bejoian, a parent of a student from this class. The focus of the fund is to provide support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
Class of 2006 After School Programs Fund for Economic Diversity
Established by the families and friends of the Class of 2006 to recognize their graduation, this fund provides support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our Middle School community for after school activities.
Class of 2009 Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor the Class of 2009. The focus of the fund is to provide athletic equipment and support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
Class of 2010 Centennial Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor Gordon’s Centennial Class of 2010. The focus of the fund is to provide support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
Class of 2015 Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor Gordon’s Class of 2015. The focus of the fund is to support Gordon's enrollment goals and provide support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
Class of 2016 Athletics and Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor Gordon’s Class of 2016. This class chose to support student enrollment at Gordon and to enhance the athletics program. This fund will support variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community and other needs as identified by the athletics department.
Early Childhood Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established in 2015 by an anonymous donor to support the continuing diversification of Gordon’s student body starting in Early Childhood. The focus of the fund is to support Gordon's enrollment goals and provide support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
The Ellie and Alfred Fine Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established in 1992 by their children, Stephen ’60, Nancy ’64 and Robert ’68, and friends of the family in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fine's 45th wedding anniversary. The fund provides support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
Gordon Community Association Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established in 1991 by the GCA to provide support to families needing financial assistance in order to meet the tuition expenses of a Gordon education.
The Gordon Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001, this fund provides scholarship support to deserving students who demonstrate financial need.
The Gordon School Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established in 1992 to support the continuing diversification of Gordon’s students and faculty. The fund provides financial support all of Gordon’s diversity efforts ranging from financial aid to faculty recruitment.
Maryjane Heymann '65 Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established in 2014 to honor Gordon’s beloved Nursery teacher Maryjane Heymann. It was established through the generous support of Maryjane’s Gordon classmates Roz Rustigian ’65 and Barbara Taylor Renza ’65 and dear friend Sally Lapides. Miss Heymann graduated from Gordon in 1965 where she began as a three-year-old on Gordon’s original campus in Providence. She later spent 30 years teaching Nursery at Gordon where her warm embrace welcomed the school’s youngest children and their families. The fund provides tuition support for students demonstrating financial need.
The Otto and Elsa Hoffer Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established in 1999 through the generosity of family and friends. The fund provides scholarship support for deserving students who demonstrate financial need.
Anna Lolli Memorial Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established in 1989 through gifts from Anna Lolli’s son, Dr. Peter P. Lolli ’64 and friends of the Lolli family. The fund provides support for variable pricing at Gordon to allow for economic diversity within our vibrant community.
Margaret “Poggy” Langdon Fund for Economic Diversity
In 2004, Ann Langdon ’56, Poggy’s daughter, along with her family and close friends, initiated the creation of a lasting legacy for her mother at Gordon. These individuals created this fund to provide financial aid where needed in order to sustain and augment the racial diversity of Gordon’s student body.
McConnell Family Fund for Economic Diversity
The McConnell Family Financial Aid Fund was established in 2011 by Jack, Sara, Catherine ’02, Maggie ’04 and John ’11 McConnell. This fund will provide financial aid assistance to an African American Gordon student demonstrating financial need who is a resident of East Providence, RI. If a preferred candidate is not available, the school will award the financial aid funds to another candidate who furthers the racial diversity enrollment objectives of the school.
Dr. Eugene M. Nelson Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund, originally established in 1984 as the Nelson Family Scholarship, was renamed and expanded as a memorial to Dr. Eugene M. Nelson in 1988 through the generosity of his family and his many friends. The fund provides scholarship support to gifted students of limited financial means.
Scholarship Fund for Economic Diversity
Established with proceeds from Cooks & Books/Hands Around the Table, this fund supports financial aid and the increasing diversification of our student body.
The Evan Spirito '02 Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established in 2012 by the Spirito family to celebrate and honor the life of Evan Spirito ’02. Evan entered Gordon in Middle School and quickly became an essential member of the Gordon community. His quick wit, kindness, and athletic talents were admired by his friends and teachers. He possessed the natural ability to embrace and draw out the best qualities in those around him which made him a sought after friend and teammate. This fund will support a student with financial need with preference given to a boy coming from Henry Barnard who demonstrates the wonderful qualities that Evan brought to Gordon.
The David S. Stone Memorial Fund for Economic Diversity
This fund was established by the Stone Family in 2007 in memory of David S. Stone. The fund provides financial aid for deserving students with demonstrated financial need.
Visual and performing arts
The Jonathan D. Arms Fund for Music Education
This fund was established in 2009 through the generosity of the friends and family of Jonathan in honor of his children Ella and Salter. This fund recognizes Jonathan’s deep passion for music and its place in children’s lives. Proceeds support the music program and music faculty by providing resources for professional development, equipment, instruments, or other needs as defined by the administration and music faculty.
The Andrew G. Campbell Performing Arts Fund
This fund was established in 2011 by Parents of Students of Color member, Gordon trustee and 2009-2012 Board Vice Chair Dr. Andrew G. Campbell to recognize the importance of the performing arts curriculum at the school. This fund supports the work and development of the performing arts instructors who cultivate the artistic gifts of their students.
Class of 2011 Music Program Fund
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor the Class of 2011. The focus of the fund is to provide financial support for the school’s music program which can include the purchase of instruments, and resources or professional development for the music faculty.
Class of 2017 Athletics and Theater Fund
This fund was established through the generosity of families wishing to honor Gordon’s Class of 2017. This class chose to enhance the athletics and the theater programs. This fund will support will provide for equipment, materials, faculty professional development and other needs as identified by the athletics and theater departments.
Ellen D. Grober Memorial Fund
This fund was established in 1990 by Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Grober and friends of the family in memory of their daughter, Ellen Grober ’68. Ellen cared deeply about the arts, especially drama and music. The fund is used to underwrite the school’s theatrical presentations, and those productions are dedicated to her memory.
Peter Kaplan Memorial Fund
This fund was established in 1977 by Mr. Herbert E. Kaplan in memory of his son, Peter, who attended Gordon from 1961 to 1968. Peter was devoted to the arts, theater and literature and his father created this fund to extend the school’s activities and to improve its physical facilities in these areas. This fund is held for Gordon School at the Rhode Island Foundation.
The Britt Nelson Fund
This fund was established in 1996 by Britt’s friends and family to keep her spirit and memory vibrant in the school’s life. Income from this fund supports an annual Visiting Artist Program, providing Gordon students an opportunity to immerse themselves in one of Britt’s quiet passions: the creative world of artistic self-expression. The fund will also provide for two annual faculty grants until it has reached a level sufficient to provide for a faculty sabbatical program. View the Visiting Artist Program page for a list of artists the Britt Nelson Fund has brought to Gordon’s classrooms.
For more information on Gordon’s endowment, please email Anne Marie Ticaric.
Checks can be made out to the Gordon School and mailed to:
45 Maxfield Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914
If you do not wish to use the online credit card form, please call Anne Marie Ticaric at (401) 434-3833.