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The Gordon School

Thank you for registering for Carnival 2024

You will receive a packet which will include wristbands for entry, and tickets for free food items. Food and drink will also be available for purchase at Carnival.

The deadline to order t-shirts has passed!

Packets and t-shirts will be available for pickup in the Commons beginning Monday, May 13th.

If you have questions about your registration or your t-shirt order, please reach out to Angela Alston at

May is a busy month!

Thursday May 2nd 6:30pm
​Talking technology with Jill Walsh
​RSVP at

Monday May 6th to Tuesday May 14th
​Head of School candidate visits
​RSVP and register at

Friday May 10th
​Grandfriends’ Day
​RSVP and details at

Tuesday May 28th
​Annual Meeting
​RSVP at