Beginner's Guide to Gordon

for the families of students who will begin at Gordon in September 


Beginner's tip: August 15th

The August 15th mailing goes out over email, but also in the postal mail.

Share the paper version with your new Gordon student. Let them stare at the class lists and think about their new classmates. Hang up the staff and faculty poster and reflect on the team of grownups your family will meet.

The COVID plan for the fall is online-only, at and the fine details of testing and quarantining are at

You'll need the safety app every day - download it using the links at

Beginner's tip: the end of August

Getting dressed
Thinking about the outfit for the first day of school? Gordon's current recommendations and policies are explained at A lot of thought goes into these policies, and Veronica Jutras welcomes your thoughts and questions at

The bus
The state makes public bus transportation available to Gordon students, and many families use this service. Everything you need to know is linked at 

Beginner's tip: first day of school

Stand beside me

Gordon's school song borrows the "Ode to Joy" melody from Beethoven's ninth symphony.

The tune is flexible and has lent itself to dozens of variations over the years in the hands of students and faculty.

The sentiment of the lyrics, however, stays constant.

In the playlist above are six takes on the school song to get your family started on a song, and a message, you will come to know by heart.

Joyful, joyful here together
Gordon School, we sing your praise
Minds and hands and hearts united
Now as one our voices raise
None shall push aside another
None shall let the other fall
Stand beside me Gordon classmates
All for one and one for all

Beginner's tip: for parents only

The Gordon Parent Experience

On April 28th, 2021, families who are new to Gordon this year and families newly enrolled for the fall came together to learn about the Gordon parent experience.

Staff and parent volunteers talked about some of the ways that Gordon supports parents, builds a partnership with families, and connects parents with one another through volunteer opportunities, affinity group experiences, and parent dialogues.

Video is above, and the electronic handout is here.


The calendar

Gordon uses Google calendars to share dates and details on the school year. Every parent should have the schoolwide calendar on their devices, as well as the calendar for whatever division their child is in.

Details on how to set these calendars up on your devices are at - please reach out to Geoff Griffin at if the directions are confusing or if you get stuck.