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Solar eclipse April 2024

Full coverage of the April 8th eclipse

There were lots of photos and video on Instagram and Facebook, and we are collecting it all on Flickr.

Dr. Thomas López's eclipse playlist is here.
We will be collecting glasses for reuse and redistribution in the Commons starting this afternoon.

Reporting from seventh grade

“Newscast” happens every day six in seventh grade humanities.

Students choose recent news articles to re-interpret for one another as TV news.

It’s more fun - and more effective - than simply reading the news.

Here’s four newscasts that students made on the morning of the eclipse, based on recent New York Times articles.


Setting the stage

There was some low-tech high-impact teaching tools in use the week before the eclipse:

above: as first grade reviewed eclipse basics...

above: and seventh and eighth grade asked "What causes the phases of the moon?"...

above: ..."How can something as small as the moon block something as huge as the sun?"...

above: ...and "Why are eclipses rare?"

Meanwhile, in Early Childhood, students had a few hands-on projects that got them thinking about world beyond ours... more on that