Riding the public bus to Gordon
Free bus transportation is available for Gordon students aged five and up, through the public school bus system.
Afternoon buses leave Gordon at dismissal; there is no afternoon public bus for students in theater, athletics, enrichments or other after school programs.
In towns that offer busing, families must fill out forms before the first day of school.
Once your family is signed up, you will communicate directly with the bus company about day-to-day matters like absences, but Ms. Lima at Gordon’s front desk is available to help guide you through the process.
the timeline to sign up
Signups for next year will be open April 1st, 2024 and you are guaranteed a spot if you sign up before July 31st, at https://www.eride.ri.gov/transparForm/.
Families can register for bus transportation at any time: Statewide will review new registrations and communicate directly with families as to whether or not they can accommodate based on current routes and bus capacities.
from cities besides Lincoln and East Providence
For the statewide system, which includes all cities and towns except Lincoln and East Providence, the first deadline to register is July 31st. You can register after that, but July 31st is the deadline to be guaranteed to be on the list for the first day of school. The signup, and everything else there is to know about this program, is on the Department of Education's website.
from East Providence
Families in East Providence must download this form, complete it, and email it to lgoulden@epschoolsri.com along with proof of residence.
from Lincoln
Families in Lincoln must download and print a form, fill it out, and fax, email or mail it to the address on the form. Here is the list of stops the bus makes.
These buses are provided by municipalities for town and city residents, and serve both public and independent schools.
You need to check to see if your bus is running when your town's public school is closed for holidays, vacations or extreme weather.
Any questions? Please reach out to Ashley Lima at Gordon, alima@gordonschool.org or 401 434-3833.