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Parents of Students of Color

above: some of the families gathered at the POSOC bowling night in January 2023

Created in 1999, Parents of Students of Color is an affinity group that provides a space for Gordon parents to discuss the distinct issues, needs, and experiences of students of color in independent schools. 

Mission statement

Parents of Students of Color seeks to promote an atmosphere of academic achievement, mutual respect, acceptance, and empowerment while building a greater sense of community for our students of color within the full spectrum of the life and activities at the Gordon School.

more on the purpose of POSOC


Gordon's Parents of Students of Color group held its first meeting in 1999. This is the same year that the Board approved the Vision for Racial Diversity which states, “Gordon School is embracing the changes necessary to become a racially diverse and inclusive community..." It was recognized then (and continues to be recognized) that creating affinity structures was an important step toward achieving the goals in the Vision. POSOC was created to provide a place for parents to discuss the distinct issues, needs and experiences of students of color in independent schools.

Over the years, POSOC has brought together parents for meetings, workshops, facilitated conversations and informal community building, as well as full-family events like brunches, cookouts and roller skating parties. Take a look at resources that have previously been discussed or shared in meetings.


POSOC is facilitated by Gordon parents Emilia Carrillo and Cendhi Arias, who can be reached at

RSVP for the family gathering, Tuesday, September 10th at 5:30pm