Parent and caregiver education
A strong partnership between the school and families
Gordon’s calendar is packed with events that keep the conversation between the school and parents lively and relevant. Some of these are focused on the individual experiences of the children in each family, others allow parents and caregivers to have their own learning experience at Gordon.
Connecting with faculty
Parent-teacher conference days
Friday, October 25th
Friday, March 7th
There are no classes on Friday, October 25th or Friday, March 7th. Instead, teachers dedicate those days to meeting with parents. Child care is available all day. Accommodations can be made for parents who cannot make it on these days, but it is important that all parents connect directly with teachers.
Parents and caregiver education
Raising Emotionally Healthy Children During Challenging Times
Thursday, February 6th, 6:30pm
followup conversation Friday, February 14th at 8:15am
followup conversation Friday, February 14th at 8:15am
Details and RSVP at
Visiting author and artist talks
Britt Nelson Visiting Artist talk
This program brings professional artists into Gordon’s classrooms. Students work alongside these artists, who lead them through projects that mirror the process of the artist’s own work. As part of the residency, each visiting artist gives a presentation to all three divisions of the school and to parents and caregivers so that parents, alumni and the general public can share the Gordon students’ experience. Learn more at
Coffees in the Commons
On many Friday mornings throughout the year, Assistant Heads Alethea Dunham-Carson and Veronica Jutras, along with GCA leadership, will host conversations ranging from followups after parent education nights to ideas on how parents can help students make the most of the feedback in progress reports.
The current lineup is at
Parent and caregiver affinity groups
Gordon has several affinity groups for parents that meet in evenings throughout the year. They are run by parent volunteers in partnership with Gordon staff.
Parents of Students of Color is a space for Gordon parents to discuss the distinct issues, needs, and experiences of students of color in independent schools. More information on POSOC at
Facing Whiteness: The Antiracism Working Group for White Caregivers is for white parents to examine their own racial identities and privilege, to uncover and challenge their own biases, and to develop antiracism parenting skills. Information on the group is at
Parents of Students with Learning Differences is for parents of students with learning differences who want to connect with one another and members of the academic support team. More on this group at
The Rainbow Family Alliance is the informal network of Gordon families who are part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and intersex communities. More on this group at
Ages and Stages
8:15am, running throughout the year
The long-running Ages and Stages series will resume in September. At these friendly and informal meetings, the school counselor leads a discussion on the developmental stages that children experience at each grade level. The meeting allow parents to strengthen their connections with the student support team and with the families of their children’s peers.