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Democracy, dissent and decision making with Jason Craige Harris

Tuesday, October 1st, 6:30pm
with a debrief  Friday, October 4th, 8:15 in the Commons

Jason Craige Harris is an author and educator “working at the intersection of leadership, strategy, culture, and resolution of crises and conflicts,” invited to Gordon to join the conversations about democracy, dissent and decisionmaking that are happening on campus during this pivotal election year. He will be working with students and faculty during the day, and meeting with adults in the evening. This event is free and open to the public, with child care available for Gordon students.

Connecting with Gordon’s Leadership Team and one another: pre-event reception for all families. Light bites and non-alcoholic beverages will be served. Doors open at 6:00pm.

RSVP for the presentation 6:30 on October 1st