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Antiracism resources

Are you interested in working with one of Gordon's professionals to help support anti-racist practice in your school, community or workplace? Introduce yourself here

above: Gordon's Head of School participated in How to Raise & Teach Anti-Racist Children, a panel in June 2020 hosted by Kwame Alexander and hosted by the International Literacy Association. More on the event here. Can't watch the whole video? KQED has this summary of six major points.

There are dozens of lists of resources on anti-racist education online, each with a different focus and approach.

As a starting point, here are some that Gordon staff and faculty have been sharing in the spring and summer of 2020

This list will continue to be updated, and an older list with many classic readings is also at

Parent dialogues 2020-2021


above: Dr. Howard Stevenson gave the presentation above as part of Gordon's ongoing parent dialogue series.

Gordon has a series of dialogues on antiracist pedagogy happening throughout the year, with several of them open to the public. Learn more here

Words Matter

Gordon's guide to inclusive language, based on work from the Bank Street School, has been shared with families, faculty and staff, at


above: in this December 2019 article, Gordon's Head of School traces the history of Gordon's pioneering work in equity and inclusivity, and her place in that work as it continues today.

Talking with young people about race

Teaching Tolerance
 “Beyond the Golden Rule: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Responding to Racism”

The Children’s Community School
“They’re not too young to talk about race!”

“Talking with Young Children About Race”

Raising Race Conscious Children
A resource for talking about race with young children

Talking with children about racial violence

Dr. Howard Stevenson, University of Pennsylvania
“Talking to Children After Racial Incidents”

Center for Racial Justice Education
Resources for talking about race, racism, and racialized violence with kids

Talking with children about protest

Article 20 Network
A Parent’s Guide to Talking With Kids About Protest 

above: In July 2020, Head of School Noni Thomas López led an energetic roundtable on race, equity and education this afternoon with guests that included Commissioner Infante-Green, Rhode Island Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, as well as classroom educators drawn from Providence classrooms. more on this event

Books for adults

An Essential Reading Guide for Fighting Racism

On Instagram: The Antiracist Book Club

Links to more resources

The Brown Bookshelf's list, posted after the June 2020 KidLit Rally 


above: some titles from an anti-racist book list Gordon shared with representatives from Barnes & Noble in July 2020. The full list is here.

Gordon parent groups

These groups have finished their formal meeting schedule for the year, but parents should reach out to the parent facilitators to be connected to any less formal conversations that may happen.

Antiracism Working Group for White Parents

Parent facilitators: 
Sarah Bowman,
Eli Nixon,

Administrative liaison
Veronica Jutras,

Parents of Students of Color

Parent facilitators: 
Angela Tucker Alston,
Besenia Rodriguez,

Administrative liaison:
Alethea Dunham-Carson,