All school photo postponed
The all school photo, originally scheduled for tomorrow, will happen next Friday. The only thing parents and caregivers need to do for this event is to get students to school on time.
Middle School overnight forms due tomorrow
If you lost them, you can download them at or ask Ms. Lima at the front desk—she has extras.
Driving to and from school
Tom Cicatiello writes:
We received a thoughtful call from a neighbor who lives on Colonial Road. He is concerned about the speed of car travel heading to and from school. For the safety of children at Gordon and throughout the neighborhood, please heed the posted speed limits on the surrounding streets. The speed limit through the entire neighborhood (including roads up to Pawtucket Avenue) is not to exceed twenty-five miles per hour. Depending on the number of children outside and the condition of the roads, caution would suggest that an acceptable speed is less than the posted speed limit. Please recognize that the times we travel these roads are also the same times that the neighborhood children are also going to and from school themselves.
Next week’s headlines
Overview nights begin next Thursday the 12th at 6:30 with Middle School. If you only make it to one parent event this year, make it your child's Overview Night. Learn more and RSVP at
The GCA parent and caregiver night at Crook Point Brewery is Saturday the 14th at Crook Point Brewery. Details and RSVP at
And that's not all
Next week's calendar is packed!
The Thursday email does not list every upcoming parent event.
We count on you to follow the online calendar. Go to and check it out.
Or, even better, go to and add the Gordon calendar to your personal calendar app.
If you didn't follow Gordon on social media this week, you missed...
…the last harvest of the summer
…a look at Gordon’s newest leaders
…one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven sets of eager young faces
…Gators find each other no matter where they are
If you only do three things this week…
…put your child's Overview Night on your calendar - details and RSVP at
…make sure you know how to access Gordon's online calendar - tips at
…send your child to school with shoes they can run and play in. Gordon students go outside twice a day (at least!).