Rena Rong artist talk
Thursday, June 1st at 6:30pm
Gordon was proud to welcome sculptor Rena X Rong to campus this winter and spring as the twenty-fifth annual Britt Nelson Visiting Artist.
Rong works in metal, ceramics and furniture, with a vision that is rooted deep in two-dimensional drawing.
She collaborated with Lower School and Middle School students this winter and spring, and their work was installed on campus this May. The process has included two-dimensional and three-dimensional design, a visit to the Steel Yard, practice with a plasma cutter, and plenty of imagination. It’s been a privilege for students to have hands-on experience with collaborative public art, and to learn more about the amazing work happening at the Steel Yard.
More on her work here and here and here and here.
Rong will be giving a talk about her work, and her time at Gordon, on Thursday, June 1st at 6:30pm. All are welcome!