The Forman Family
Lower and Middle School parents, Wendy and Seth Forman, with their Gordon 2nd grader, 4th grader and 6th grader.
As lower and middle school parents, how have you seen Gordon incorporate agency and leadership into your child’s experience?
Gordon has given our children the opportunity to represent the school in various open houses and informational sessions. This gives them a sense of pride as leaders in the school.
As a parent, how have you seen your children speak across differences and understand others and themselves more fully from their time at Gordon?
The kids have definitely gained an understanding of gender labels and pronouns, and respecting those used by others. They have brought that home to educate us! It's interesting seeing their perspective on it.
Please share a Gordon memory or experience that sticks out for your family?
Joy at seeing other students interact with our kids. Our second grader seems to know so many upper class kids, it's like he's the ’mayor’. Some go out of their way to say hello to him! Also, just seeing Gordy always makes us smile!