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The Gordon School

Upcoming admissions events

Admissions Open House Events

Get to Know Gordon: Information Sessions

Family Individual Tuition Information Session

Parents and caregivers may learn more about Family Individualized Tuition by attending our information session hosted by Tom Cicatiello, Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Head of School for Campus Operations and Auxiliary Programs, and Caroline Mullaney, Admissions Director. These events will be held on Zoom at 6:30pm. 

Registration forthcoming.

Neighborhood Gatherings

At Gordon, we share the values necessary for building a strong and diverse community. As a school with a multicultural curriculum and the affirmation of all families, Gordon hosts events each year in which we open our doors to prospective families.

During the month of October, Gordon families host events at local playgrounds for children and adults to come together across grades and divisions in your backyard. No registration is required! 

Saturday, October 12th at 2pm: Lippitt Park, Providence

Sunday, October 13th at 2pm: Pawtuxet Playground, Cranston

Saturday, October 19th at 2pm: Lippitt Park, Providence

Sunday, October 20th at 11am: Rockwell Park, Bristol

Saturday, October 26th at 2:30pm: Barrington Library Playground, Barrington

Important 2024-2025 Admission Dates

September 15: 2025-2024 admission application becomes available

October 4: FIT portal opens

October 7: Parent/guardian interviews begin

October 28: Student visits begin

November 2: Early Childhood Open House

February 1: Admission application and materials due

February 28: Admission decisions released

March 14: Enrollment contracts due

Engage with our viewbook

Can't wait for the mail? Gordon’s viewbook is available online.