4: We will serve
Cultivate a Family-Centered Community
We will design and deliver services that meet the needs of children and families living in our fast-paced and ever-changing world. All aspects of the school experience will reflect our recognition of and respect for the trust our families place in the school, the realities of their daily lives, their myriad responsibilities, and the financial investment they are making in their child’s education.
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- Design a flexible and integrated operating model that serves the needs of twenty-first century families, both during and beyond the traditional school day.
- Create a strategic plan for community engagement that helps more families participate more actively in the life of the school and transforms what volunteerism can look like in an independent school.
- Enhance communications and family engagement through thoughtful use of technology.
- Design a lunch program that fosters a resilient and sustainable local ecosystem by supporting local farmers and serving students fresh, healthy, delicious food.
- Explore the creation of a program for infants and toddlers.
- Move to an all-inclusive tuition model by 2025.
Read about the four guiding principles of Gordon School's Strategic Vision: