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Damian's letter to the community

Dear Gordon Family,

It is my great honor to share the exciting news that Dr. Meredith deChabert will be Gordon's next Head of School. Her deep expertise, her enthusiasm, her joyous spirit and the overwhelmingly positive feedback she received from the community all led to her being the search committee's clear recommendation. On Friday, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved her as our next Head of School.

She will begin in July of 2025, after Dr. Thomas López finishes her final year at Gordon.

Currently, Meredith serves as the Assistant Head of School for Academics and Institutional Research at Rye Country Day School in Rye, NY. The love and respect that she enjoys in that community is extraordinary. When the search committee reached out to Rye Country Day's families and professional community, here are the kinds of things they heard:

Meredith makes it possible for you to believe that love can consistently exist in a professional space and that love is translated through respect and steadiness and a commitment to excellence.

She is truly the most outstanding communicator I have ever met.

This ability to connect to people, with love, was on display during her two-day visit to Gordon. Feedback from Gordon faculty, staff and caregivers included language like:

She made everyone in the faculty and staff meeting I was in feel seen and heard.

I really don’t have a single doubt or hesitation about her. My conversation with other parents revealed widespread enthusiasm.

And, from the search committee’s summaries of her strengths:

Meredith is a visionary, a strategist, and above all, someone who recognizes and respects the humanity, strengths, and many talents that folks bring into schools. She will look for new opportunities to leverage people’s skills and deepen community connections and engagement.

She is a master teacher and the discussion with her among all three candidates was the highest level relating to teaching approaches and pedagogy.

Crucially, Meredith shares Gordon's core beliefs, and she knows how to articulate them. As she said in her cover letter, “I am drawn to Gordon’s unwavering commitment to a progressive education model that includes diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, social justice, social and emotional learning, and academic excellence. Gordon understands that all these things are inextricably intertwined, and so do I.”

Gordon is extraordinarily fortunate to have found Meredith. I want to thank the scores of faculty, staff, and caregivers who participated in the search process. I also want to offer my gratitude, on behalf of the school community, to the team that led this decision. The co-chairs of the search committee, Ted Trafton and Krystle Tadesse, spent countless hours over the last several months to ensure the future of Gordon remains in good hands. Clare Blackmer was at the center to ensure this complex process moved forward efficiently. Each member of the search committee, which included Rachel Caldwell, Alethea Dunham-Carson, Irene Horton, Veronica Jutras, Isaiah Osofisan ’00, Besenia Rodriguez and Nick Terry, stepped in during an incredibly busy time of year to usher in this exciting new era for our community. 

This was a community effort, and I want to acknowledge the families and partners of those involved who have played a critical role of support. My wife and many other life partners, co-parents and extended family showed up in big and small ways to support this process. We are forever indebted to you. 

In the weeks ahead, the school will reach out with more information about a transition team, and opportunities to connect with Meredith over the next thirteen months. Until then, please join me in a moment of quiet appreciation for this pivotal moment in Gordon history, and the hard work that has made it come to pass.

Thank you, and congratulations, to our entire community. 


The Board of Trustees of the Gordon School has selected Dr. Meredith J. deChabert to be Gordon’s next Head of School.

The news was announced Monday, May 20th 2024 with a pair of letters, one from Board Chair Damian Ewens '90 and one from Meredith.

Read Meredith’s letter to the community here

Meredith’s full biography is here