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The Gordon School

The Boy with the Lego Hand

Robotics at Gordon, after Gordon, and in the Atlantic Monthly

In an article that went online today, the Atlantic Monthly calls Coby Unger ’05 part of “technology’s next generation,” “a world-class product designer” who collaborates with a nine-year-old to develop a robotic prosthetic arm that fits his real-life needs, allowing the boy to hold a wii controller, play the violin and do his pushups.

There’s a lot for a Gordon fan to like in this story. It involves cutting edge technology and active collaboration. Even more importantly, it demonstrates a pragmatic, child-centered approach in which technology is a tool used to help a young person play and create.

It also involves LEGO and prosthetics, two elements that also figure in Gordon’s busy robotics program. This is a big year for the robotics program, with the curriculum moving into every grade Kindergarten and up, and a major statewide robotics league event happening at Gordon in December. 

More on all of this at

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