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Kimberly Willis Holt to work with students

Karla Harry Visiting Author Fund brings its first writer to campus

National Book Award winner Kimberly Willis Holt will spend the day with Gordon students Thursday, November 15th.

Holt’s visit is the first in an annual event supported by the Karla Harry Visiting Author Fund. This fund was established in 2007 in memory of Gordon’s beloved librarian, Karla Harry, who passed away in October of last year.

The choice of the inaugural author brings in several connections to Mrs. Harry’s life and work. Holt draws heavily on the culture of her home state of Texas in her writing, a fact that was appreciated by Mrs. Harry, an Oklahoma native. Holt’s numerous awards include the Rhode Island Children’s Book Award, an award that Mrs. Harry was crucial in promoting during her time at Gordon. The Rooster Games, which have grown into a statewide competition, were created by Mrs. Harry as a way to promote the RI Children’s Book Award nominees.

Holt’s books will be familiar to many students. Keeper of Night and When Zachary Beaver Came to Town have both been used in Middle School, and younger readers may have encountered titles like Waiting for Gregory

The Visiting Author program will continue to evolve in the coming years, as Gordon’s librarians reflect on each year’s experience and as the endowment fund grows and matures. For information on contributing to the Karla Harry Visiting Author Fund, please contact Kerrie Donahue at or 401 434-3833 x117.

Mrs. Holt’s website,, has a number of entertaining resources for young writers and readers, including an excellent “writing tips” section.

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