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Gordon students in upcoming book

2011 Visiting Author inspired by her visit
April Pulley Sayre, an award-winning author of over fifty-five natural history books for children and adults, was Gordon's Visiting Author last November.
Her next book is Touch A Butterfly, a two-hundred page guide to wildlife gardening with children, and it includes photos of students shared by Gordon faculty and staff.
She made a strong connection with the Gordon's librarians while she was on campus, and she asked to use photos from Gordon's archives to illustrate Touch A Butterfly.
right: page 46 of Touch a Butterfly
The book is in the final preproduction stages and it currently includes several photos from Gordon, as well as a moving dedication to Ralph Wales, librarians Suzanne Fox and Frances Martindale, and all of Gordon School.
The next Visiting Author, Joseph Bruchac, arrives at Gordon after Thanksgiving. His visit coincides with the Gordon Community Association's Book and Gift Fair.

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