Where we grow our robotics champions
Eighth grade engineering team show off Gordon’s outdoors
above: Gordon sent two robotics teams to the state qualifying tournament at Ponaganset High School two weeks ago. The seventh grade team won first place overall, beating eight other teams from across the region, and both the seventh grade and the eighth grade team will be headed to the January statewide championship.
The eighth grade robotics team made these videos as part of their successful entry at the First LEGO League qualifying tournament earlier this month.
Each year, teams are given a challenge that is only half robotics engineering. The second half of the challenge asks the team to collaborate on creative project that combines technology and advocacy.
This year, the eighth grade team aimed their creative project at promoting outdoor education. Their work has gone through several iterations, and will continues to evolve up until the state championship.
As they experimented with ways to promote outdoor education, they created these video tributes to outdoor learning spaces at Gordon. These hold up outside of the context of the robotics project, and show the love and sense of ownership Gordon’s oldest students feel for the campus.