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The voices of Gordon’s alumni of color

Listening with compassion 

Thanks to the alumni of color who came back to campus last night to speak to Gordon's Parents of Students of Color group. They shared candidly about their experience at Gordon and how it prepared them for success in the years after graduation.

As Irene Horton shared afterwards, “the consistent theme was gratitude that Gordon had prepared them to listen with compassion and care to all people, including people who have views different from their own.”

Parents also heard about the leadership roles Gordon alumni of color have been taking on in high school: in addition to Leenah Gibbs ’19, who is student body president at Wheeler, Ayla Sahin ’20 was just made head of Tabor Academy’s Black student union, Izzy Monteiro ’19 and Abby Lee ’19 lead Moses Brown’s students of color group, and Mariely Madera ’20 has established Moses Brown’s new Latinx student group.

photo, from left: Alejandro Quintero Cashore ’22, Ruben Tillman ’20, Myles Craddock ’20, Mariely Madera ’20, Ayla Sahin ’20, Izzy Monteiro ’19, Liv Sniffin ’19 and Abby Lee ’19

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