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The book of love

Literacy, science and friendship combine in research project

What does the “retrieve” in “retriever” mean?

Does Denver the therapy dog have a bedtime routine? 

Why does he jump when you hold his ball?

These questions and more will be addressed in a forthcoming book currently being researched by Young Kindergarten.

The lesson began during a conversation about fiction and nonfiction books. 

A student wondered if there was a book about Denver, Gordon’s therapy dog. 

Everyone agreed that a book like that would be extraordinarily useful, and the class began documenting what they knew about Denver, and what they would like to learn. 

Today, Denver and his handler came to class to help with the research.

It’s a science project and a literacy project, and it also connects with perennial Young Kindergarten topics like the social skills involved in making guests feel welcome (“Hello Denver, welcome to our classroom”) and the math and instruction-following lessons of cooking (students will be baking healthy dog treats this afternoon).

Much of today’s conversation centered on being part of a community.

Denver feels useful when he can bring things to people, like balls they’ve just thrown.

Denver likes Young Kindergarten so much because they throw the ball for him.

Young Kindergarten enjoys Denver because they know he loves fetching balls at recess with them.

It’s a powerful cycle that has these students ready to push their emerging literacy skills.

Young Kindergarten also got a master class in how to pet dogs in general, and specific tips on Denver’s sweet spots. 

Ask a Young Kindergarten student for more information.

Or, look for their book, coming later this fall.

More on Denver’s role at Gordon in a video from 2021

See Denver outrun fifth graders in a video that was part of a fundraising effort in 2023

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