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Taking it to the top

Third grade presents its proposals for maintaining the pond

Third graders filmed a presentation for the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the Board of Trustees today.


This year, second and third grades have made a close study of human's impact on Gordon's pond and stream. 

They came to recognize that the pond was well on its way to becoming a marsh, and that this transition was being sped along by the heavy use the pond was getting.

Then, they went a step further, and identified positive ways that people could intervene in nature and help keep the pond ecosystem healthy and stable.


A quick summary of their major points:

Cattails are an invasive species that is spreading across the pond quickly, and will soon turn the pond into a swampy muck. The cattails should be pulled up.

The erosion by the dam
The erosion between the dam and the bridge is caused by kids jumping over it. We can plant yellow flag irises by the dam. Yellow flag irises are an invasive species with roots that will strengthen the existing soil and help stop erosion. And, they are pretty so kids won't jump there because they won't want to jump on the irises.

The muck
The muck on the bottom of the pond is speeding up the transformation into a marsh. It smells, and it is rising, and it is impacting the oxygen levels. We should try to dig some of it out.

The bubbler
We should get a new bubbler [an aerater] because that will improve the amount of oxygen in the water and help fish and other animals. It will slow down the muck so we won't have to clean it out so much.

The dock
We should get a new dock [the old one is gone] and get new fish. When we get a new fish they can hide under the dock.

The mud around the pond
The grass around the pond is gone because the area has been overused. It is very stinky and it is eroding. We would like to put stepping stones in and we know that we have already closed it to play to give it a rest.


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