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Sustaining the energy

Work continues schoolwide after last week’s symposium

Last week’s climate change symposium was a high point of the fall.

And, it was just one in an ongoing series of steps Gordon has taken to help students and families be more effective stewards of the earth.

In the seven days since last Thursday’s symposium, for instance:

Gordon installed a new bike rack in the front circle to support the growing number of families commuting to school on two wheels.

Sixth graders created a video message that opened the twenty-seventh Beyond COP21 Symposium as it began today in Qatar. (photo above by some seventh graders in Qatar)

Fourth graders collaborated with the fifth and sixth graders of the Sustainability in Action club to measure and document the impact of “Plastic Free Lunch Day”, held on Wednesday.


Early Childhood faculty spent the afternoon with former Kindergarten teacher Hannah Finlay planning ways to use Gordon’s twelve-acre campus for nature-based learning.

Kindergarten shared their pledges to be earth protectors, with the understanding that “small hands can do big things.”


Young Kindergarten was out at their garden, spreading mulch, checking on the garlic they planted last month (it sprouted!) and harvested three pumpkins, some cosmos and piles of tomatillos and cherry tomatoes.

Middle School set crew found reuses for paper left over from the symposium, and the “lawn” signs Gordon uses in front of the school.

And it continues… tomorrow, a trailer will be in front of the school so that families can “donate” their Halloween pumpkins to serve as compost at a nearby vermiculture farm.


More on Gordon’s ongoing sustainability efforts at


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