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The Gordon School

Singing from one songbook, Nursery to eighth grade

The other day, Gordon's handbell ensemble took to the halls to practice the processional they will perform as part of tonight's vigil for the victims of gun violence at First Unitarian Church in Providence.

This same processional will also lead off the schoolwide assembly on December 21st.


Last week, seventh and eighth graders were introduced to the song chosen for the schoolwide singalong at the assembly.




Peace, هُدوء, shalom ✌🏾 @gordonschool #songoftheweek

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That night, this Nursery student taught the same song to her family. link


Alumni, parents, siblings and all members of the extended Gordon family are welcome to join in the singing at the all school assembly, December 21st, at 10am. More on Gordon's assemblies, including the lineup for the December assembly, at

The December assembly is a celebration of Gordon's performing arts program. Representatives of all three divisions of the school will be on stage, singing songs and performing on instruments ranging from handbells to tap shoes.

The assembly also includes a singalong of the Gordon School song. Anyone who needs a refresher on the song can watch this video from December 2015.

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