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Introducing the Green Dean

Coordinating sustainability efforts across the campus

above: Green Dean Cush Gillen with the model of the outdoor classroom that will be installed in the new orchard and garden this year. More on that classroom, and food and sustainability efforts from last year, at

Over day three and four of back-to-school meetings, Green Dean Cush Gillen met with each division to talk about how he hopes to partner with them this year.

In addition to his work teaching fifth and sixth grade science, Cush Gillen will be taking on the newly created position of Green Dean, coordinating sustainability work schoolwide. 

Here are the goals he presented to divisions this week:

Goal 1: Curriculum
Support and encourage ecological literacy curriculum development in Nursery to eighth grade.
Scaffold existing lessons and units to meet curriculum goals and learning objectives of interested classrooms and tachers.
Create opportunities for learning, support efforts already in action, and lend my expertise to those looking to foster ecological literacy in the classroom and outside. 

What this might look like: 
Observe classrooms utilizing the outdoors as learning spaces 
Meet with teachers to brainstorm lessons or units that get students engaged in the outdoors
Propose extensions, changes, or enhancements to current curriculum and outdoor learning already in place
Act as an in-house expert and resource for teachers who are interested in utilizing the outdoors for teaching and learning

Goal 2: Green Team
Assist in running Green Team meetings and carry out agenda items to bring about lasting change toward achieving Gordon's strategic vision of creating a more just and sustainable world.
This includes ongoing efforts toward waste reduction and management, establishing sustainable events protocols, and sharing results with the Gordon community through our communications department. 

What this might look like: 
Hold regular Green Team meetings with community members and engage in action items throughout the year
Conduct beginning of the year waste audit to gain a benchmark of waste produced on campus
Establish Gordon community recycling protocols and central recycling location
Educate the community on the ongoing composting efforts and expand the learning centered around this initiative
Establish a special events sustainability checklist 
Work with communications to tell the sustainability story at Gordon

Goal 3: Outdoor Classrooms and Gardens
Support the ongoing efforts to develop garden spaces and outdoor classrooms around campus that reconnect youth with the land and empower them to be stewards of the environment, cultivators of life and growers of nutritious food. The garden spaces may provide tools for lifelong learning and leadership grounded in culturally appropriate growing practices that are rooted in environmental, social, and racial justice. 

What this might look like:
Continue to build the Gordon Community Garden and outdoor classroom 
Work with the Buildings and Grounds Committee to oversee and propose changes to specific outdoor classroom spaces
Assist in the native and indigenous garden development in the courtyard outside the lower school science classroom
Work with early childhood to further develop the garden boxes in the Early Childhood playground
Provide professional development for teachers interested in using any garden spaces in their classrooms

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