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Happy new year 2024

The Gordon family reconvenes

It was good to have everyone here today.

For some, today was the first first day of Gordon.

For others, it was the last first.

And for everyone, it was the beginning of an adventure that will change the world.

This year, each one of us will grow in ways no one could expect.

This year, we will see some dreams come true.

This year, we will witness history being made.

This year, we will sort through it all together.

For today, though, it was simply enough to be together.

It’s going to be an unforgettable year.

It all started today.

Hundreds more photos from today are on Gordon's Flickr

New on the blog

Gordon in the headlines

Judges, engineers, athletes, activists, authors, playwrights, doctors, lawyers and scholars

A day on

Welcoming and working with students with a full range of learning styles.