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The Gordon School

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Gordon's move to East Providence

Gordon's alumni giving month, week two

above: In 1963, at the Angell Street campus, each Gordon student created a tile that was then installed under the bell tower on the Maxfield campus. Those tiles are still there, and succeeding generations of Gordon students have installed their own tiles in hallways throughout the school.

“Gordon was the most important part of my education.”
Carol Mann '63

In 1964, Gordon moved from the Angell Street in Providence to Maxfield Avenue in East Providence, a campus built from scratch to reflect Gordon’s child-focused approach.

The first generation of students to experience the new campus established the connection with the first half-century of Gordon history, and set the stage for the educational innovation that continues to this day.

"I am grateful to have been able to spend eight school years with great teachers in a really beautiful physical plant. More than any other educational experience I’ve had, Gordon has shaped who I am."
John Edwards ‘75

above: Gordon put students at the center, of course, at the Maxfield Avenue groundbreaking that also included remarks by then-Governor, soon-to-be-Senator John Chafee '37.

"Gordon supports inclusiveness and values learning to be kind to others and wanting to give back and be involved in your community. Those are all lessons I’ve carried throughout my personal life, professional career and my involvement with non-profit boards." 
Rebecca Book ’66

"Gordon is unique in its style. Gordon was always much more nurturing than other schools. The nurturing component is one reason why I give."
John Crocker ’69

above: Head of School Larry Miller with his trademark pipe, overseeing construction on Maxfield Avenue

Alumni: how have you carried Gordon with you in the years since you were here? What are your hopes for the Gordon students of today? Let us know, and and show your support for a school that continues to change the world, at

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Judges, engineers, athletes, activists, authors, playwrights, doctors, lawyers and scholars

A day on

Welcoming and working with students with a full range of learning styles.