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The Gordon School

Farm-to-table with five-year-olds

Cooking and gardening lessons come together in a small miracle

At dropoff tomorrow morning, Young Kindergarten will be in front of their classroom, serving salad and mint lemonade to parents and passersby.


With this project, Young Kindergarten's twin passions for cooking and for farming finally came together. 


They have been cooking weekly all year, learning about measuring, adding and sequencing a complicated project.


This spring, they adopted some worms and learned about healthy soil and compost. link


These conversations took off, and soon they had planned a garden together, decided what seeds to plant, starting some seedlings inside, then planted them in raised beds. 


The first greens harvest was this morning.


They washed the greens carefully, then added a little mint.


They had so much mint left over that they chose to make minty lemonade.


If you have a minute tomorrow, stop by the theater courtyard and make a fuss over these very proud farm-to-table five-year-olds.


It's just something they threw together today.


It's something they've been working on all year.


more Young Kindergarten farm-to-table, with some lessons in indigenous culture, from February

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