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The Gordon School

Courageous conversations

Talks on neurology, local economy added to growing video library

above: Monday's conversation with neuroscientist David Badre, a Gordon parent, a Brown University neuroscientist and author of the new book On Task: How Our Brain Gets Things Done. In a conversation moderated by Middle School Director Gabe Burnstein, he spoke about executive function and its development in childhood, with plenty of time for questions and answers. This conversation took place as part of Gordon's annual Book Fair.

Two recent conversations with Gordon community members are now online, embedded on this page.

The Zoom era has allowed Gordon to record and share many of the smart conversations that happen among the members of the Gordon community.

There's a selection on Gordon's YouTube page, organized as a playlist.

More can also be found at and

below: December's Coffee with Claire was a conversation on the impact of shopping local, responsibly sourcing ingredients and goods, and building a resilient local economy, with Sheri Griffin of Farm Fresh Rhode Island and Lisa Newman Paratore of HOMESTYLE. This conversation is part of a continuing series of conversations with members of the Gordon community, led by Claire Phipps, Gordon's Chief Advancement and Experience Officer.

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