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Alumni return to lead

Gordon's alumni giving month, week three

The alumni on Gordon's current Board of Trustees
above, front row: Bob Fine ’68, Ted Trafton ’94, Sarah Chace Cotter ’97, Karan Takhar ’05 
back row: Isaiah Osofisan ’00, Damian Ewens ’90 
missing: Eugene Johnson ’87

Gordon prides itself on producing graduates who are leaders and who know how to give back to the communities that nurtured them.

Nowhere is that more tangible than in Gordon's boardroom. 

above: Isaiah Osofisan ’00 ready to help during his Middle School years - Nat Chace is behind him

Gordon's current Board of Trustees includes seven alumni, representing a range of eras, from Bob Fine of the Class of 1968 to Karan Takhar from the Class of 2005.

above: Ted Trafton '94 in two of his Gordon Lower School class photos

All of them bring a diverse range of experiences and talents to the Board, and those with Gordon-aged offspring have all made the ultimate investment in Gordon by enrolling their children at Gordon.

"The most salient memory I have of my time at Gordon comes from when I got knocked down during recess during my Preschool year. It was an accident, but for my four-year-old self, it was a big shock. I was standing somewhere I shouldn’t have been, I got bumped by a friend and fell. My face hit the ground hard and while I was a scared and bloody mess, that quickly changed when I was scooped up by Maureen Kelly who instantly made me feel safe and cared for. That feeling of support has never left me and it hasn’t left Gordon either. Part of being a kid is getting knocked down from time to time and at Gordon I learned what I needed to eventually pick myself back up."
Ted Trafton '94 

above: Bob Fine '60 at a late 1990's "Cooks and Books" Gordon fundraiser, left, and on a 1965 Gordon field trip on the right

"When the school moved to East Providence from Angell Street in January, 1963, I saw my tile, along with tiles of all the other students, on the wall outside the front entrance. Part of the genius of Gordon is letting the students feel empowered and proud of being Gordon students. That feeling remains."
Bob Fine ’68

above: Damian Ewens ’90 on his Middle School lacrosse team

"What I appreciate the most about Gordon School is its founding principle of nurturing heart and mind with equal care and our belief that an inclusive, diverse community engaging with a curriculum rooted in multicultural practice builds the skills and community needed in the world today."
Damian Ewens ’90

above: Sarah Chace Cotter '97 at her Gordon Commencement

"The consistent thread through the Gordon I remember in the 1980s and 1990s and the current Gordon are the thoughtful, kind and nurturing adults." 
Sarah Chace Cotter ’97

above: Karan Takhar '05 during his time as Gordon's reigning Geography Bee champion

Alumni: how have you carried Gordon with you in the years since you were here? What are your hopes for the Gordon students of today? Let us know, and and show your support for a school that continues to change the world, at

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