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A snowy day at Gordon

The only thing better than a snow day

The only thing better than a snow day?

A snowy day at Gordon with your friends.

Young Kindergarten got in the first runs of the day.

The snow was fluffy and not too deep.

Not perfect sledding snow for most people.

But these five-year-olds achieved the perfect ratio of body weight, snow resistance and hill incline.

Between them, Ms. Fraza and Mr. Griffin have fifty years of experience at Gordon.

They’ve seen a lot on these hills: reverse, sideways, upside-down sledding, with two, three and even four on a sled. 

And yet they saw something new today: the lick-the-fresh-snow-while-sledding move.

There was a side quest to a sled-free hill over by the outdoor classroom.

Here, the trick seemed to be finding the slickest fabric in each child’s snow gear.

Some went faster on their bellies, some on their backs, some on their legs, some on the their torso.

Some needed to scrunch down step by step.


Some slid in like penguins.


Dozens more photos are on Gordon's Flickr site

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