A look back, a look ahead
Celebrating a busy year, and the work that lies ahead
At last night’s Annual Meeting, Dr. Thomas López shared this video as part of her thank you to the faculty, staff and volunteers who have made the 2022-2023 school year unforgettable.
The video is a look back on the year gone by, but, as Dr. Thomas López said last night:
That video is actually the work ahead, too. It’s our children. The world needs explorers, and scientists, and advocates, and team players and caregivers. The world needs Gordon graduates.
The journey to a more just and sustainable world starts in a Gordon classroom. There are some that might wonder how Nursery students exploring the school with their flashlights and eighth grade classroom helpers can change the world. I believe the answer can be found in the words of writer and activist adrienne maree brown.
In her book Emergent Strategy, brown explains the idea of fractals, these repetitive patterns of human experience, she says, "How we are at the small scale is how we are at the large scale. The patterns of the universe repeat at scale. There is a structural echo that suggests two things: one, that there are shapes and patterns fundamental to our universe, and two, that what we practice at a small scale can reverberate to the largest scale."
This is why I believe that Gordon School—and more specifically, the children of Gordon School—I believe that these children are the seeds of the transformation we want to sow in the world. I deeply and truly believe that our small, daily, messy acts of kindness, curiosity, honesty, generosity and grace can mend our broken world.