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The new Young People's Poet Laureate

Today’s episode of National Public Radio’s Fresh Air featured a 2014 interview with author Jacqueline Woodson…
Today’s episode of National Public Radio’s Fresh Air featured a 2014 interview with author Jacqueline Woodson.
Woodson visited Gordon nine years ago, spending the day with a range of students, from Kindergarten to eighth grade.

Her presence is still felt on campus, most recently in the nominees for the 2014 Gordon School Multicultural Picture Book Award, awarded annually by the second grade.
In the months following her visit, the Karla Harry Visiting Author Fund was established, providing for longer author visits annually. In November 2016, the ninth Karla Harry Visiting Author, James Howe, will arrive.
Photos are from her visit to Gordon's Kindergarten in 2006. Many of the children in the photos graduated from Gordon last week.

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