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The Gordon School

Fearlessly facing the very large

It was the one hundredth day of school today.

Kindergarten and first grades contemplated the mysteries of a number that, just a few months ago, might have seemed too large to comprehend.

Now that they've counted to one hundred, together, it was more manageable, and even a little friendly.

When you're counting with beads, one hundred is pocket-sized.


One hundred acts of kindness pile up fast when you do them one at a time.

One hundred jelly beans could be a snack for the class.


When there are five balloons on a sheet, the teacher only needs to make twenty copies.


And, when they work together, Kindergarten red group knows how to write more than one hundred words.

Having conquered one hundred, some students were even peeking at the infinite.

One hundred is big, certainly.
But one hundred and one is even bigger.
And guess what? Also one hundred and ten.
And then?
Then what?

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