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The Gordon School

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LGBTQ initiatives


Gordon has a long standing commitment to the LGBTQ community, represented by:

• Two social events per year specifically for LGBTQ families

• Admission receptions for LGBTQ+ families

• Recognition of the National Day of Silence in the Middle School, since 2006

• A Gender and Sexuality Alliance in Middle School, meeting weekly since fall 2015

• A comprehensive set of guidelines on how gender identity is affirmed and social transitions are supported among students and adults

• A faculty member who serves as liaison to Gordon's LGBTQ+ community

• Representation by Middle School students at the annual Boston conference of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, since 2015

• Sponsorship for Youth Pride, Inc., Options Magazine and the Transgender Day of Remembrance

• A Gordon graduate presented about LGBTQ literature at the fall 2017 GLSEN conference, in partnership with Gordon faculty

• Faculty regularly consult with peer schools and professional organizations on topics in gender and sexuality

•The library includes a rich collection of LGBTQ-positive literature and resources, with titles appropriate for every age